Bransholme Health Centre, Hull

Construction of a four storey health centre


Citycare & Sewell Group


£13 Million


2010 - 2012

Project Overview

The construction of a new four-story steel framed health centre built on the site of the existing medical centre carpark provided new facilities for 11 GPs, a minor injuries unit and Hull City Council Customer Services. All of the provisions were set around a central atrium, sharing facilities for a more efficient service.


The Challenge

The project involved extremely confined site conditions, due to the existing roads that bounded the site remaining open during construction. This made for a complicated logistical challenge.


The Solution

In addition to undertaking the complete civil and structural design on the building, GGP were tasked with designing a temporary road layout incorporating a one-way system in order to allow the building to be constructed whilst allowing the roads to remain open and deliveries to the adjacent shopping centre to continue. The building was constructed using a tower crane to lift in the steel frame, precast floor units and cladding materials.


The Result

The project was completed on time and to budget and opened to the public in September 2012.