Project Overview
As part of resignalling project works between Welwyn and Hitchin, the level crossing at the end of the platform at Welwyn was to be renewed.
Renewal of Barrow Crossing
£2 Million
As part of resignalling project works between Welwyn and Hitchin, the level crossing at the end of the platform at Welwyn was to be renewed.
GGP were tasked with designing the level crossing renewal. This was a relatively bespoke level crossing as it acts as a Footpath Crossing controlled with White Lights.
GGP undertook this project, applying the relevant standards to create a compliant design. This included enhancing user safety by repositioning and re-aligning the controlling white lights at the level crossing. Other safety modifications were made, working closely with the client and the specific user groups, to make sure the design was acceptable to all stakeholders.
Design deliverables approved and awaiting construction date for the works to be implemented.